Melihat kegilaan Israel akhir akhir ini terhadap palestina, saya persembahkan kepada kalian semua yang mengutuk serangan israel terhadap palestina...ini adalah sebuah album yang berisikan lagu lagu yang menentang israel dan mendukung palestina. lagu lagu tersebut beralirkan rap atau hip hop yang dibawakan oleh rapper rapper islam dari berbagai belahan dunia. saya ambil dari situs yang bernama muslimrap.net
situs tersebut berisikan album album rap bernuansa islam dan kesemuanya itu gratis tanpa dipungut biaya....!!!!
THERE IS NO COPYRIGHT IN ISLAM begitulah slogan mereka. berikut saya tampilkan PALESTINE THE ALBUM untuk kalian semua....IT'S FREE

As part of its 'Artist Outreach Programme' a scheme that invites established and upcoming artists to produce conscious and topical project albums on issues affecting the Muslim
world, the label has managed to gather some of the top UK hip hop and spoken word poetry talents to be the voice of the Palestinians and their plight.Palestine the album was made for provoking thought, inspiring actions it is about reflecting and deliberating. It is as much a lament as it is a celebration of the courage, determination and defiance of a nation. This will not be music to dance to, this will be music to pump your fist and shout takbeers to.
The aims of this project are to utilize the above mediums to achieve the following:
  1. To raise awareness of the humanitarian crisis in Palestine over the last few decades
  2. To raise money for charities working with the orphans from the recent crisis in the region as well as providing medical aid and food relief.
  3. To support the God given right of Palestinians to liberty.
  4. To expose Zionist aggression and state sponsored Israeli terrorism.
  5. To expose the media bias.
  6. To expose the bias of the international community.
  7. To expose the treachery of the rulers
  8. To provide the youth with a channel to express their frustrations through non-violent political activity and campaigning.
  9. To promote the concept that Muslim music should be a form of political expression and activism as well as entertainment.
Gambar dibawah ini adalah bukti kegilaan israel terhadap palestina

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